19 Jan 2016

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How to Give a New Energy to Your App after Launch?

When app entered to app store, it sells like a hot cake. Users’ eagerness towards new app is high. Once they start interacting with app, you will find they are losing interest for app. Number of users may not remain same as they were at the time of new launch. Number of active users will also decrease as the time passes. You may feel afraid with my wordings (really sorry for that). But basically, I want to tell that you have to put extra efforts to maintain users’ momentum for app.

Job is not done once your app reaches to app store. In fact, be ready to double down your efforts to ensure your app keeps gaining popularity over a long haul. And the best way to do this is: keep putting a new energy within your app. Here are some guidelines:

1. Schedule a Lifestyle for Your App

Messaging apps have to give users regular updates to keep them hook. Mobile games require making new resources for their users. Utility apps should prepare to remind users with daily alerts. Shopping apps are building new deals and offers to provoke users for purchase. Likewise, every app has its own lifestyle: what will be their work after going to app store. Have you fixed up any lifestyle for your app?
If not, then start now. Prepare a list of Goals as it will help you work out on app.
Answer these questions to know about your goals:
  • My app is for whom? Children, Teenagers, Adults, Aged, etc.
  • How will my targeted audience use app?
  • What make my app a success?
You must get goals of your app, but I would like to share some common goals that every app has:
  •  Driving new customers to your shop
  • Building brand through app
  • Selling products 

2. Get Everyone on Track

This one is for those working with a team (not alone). Many time app fails to gain its priority at app store just because everyone working for app is going through a different direction. Get all your employees on one track to work for app. Distribute different pieces of app to handle among employees like development part, app marketing part, users part, etc. Build department to manage each part of app. 

3. Be prepare for new responsibilities

New responsibilities will add to your schedule, once users start using your app. Start brainstorming situations occur and create a department to handle responsibilities towards new users.

4. Start a Chit-chat with users

 Great apps are great communicators. Their chit-chat with users is always going on. Make sure your app has this quality. Or you hired someone to listen users and solve their issues.
There are some ideas to keep conversation “On” with users even when they are not using app. Tricks like push notifications or alerts help apps communicate with users.

5. Keep Introducing Fresh Content

Products, offers, deals, in-app purchases, extra features, rewards, articles, news or whatever is a part of your app content, keep introducing it on a regular basis. Make a fresh content for everyday to remind your users that app exist with something new for them.

6. Measure the return rate of users

  • How many users your app has?
  • How many users often come back to app?
  • How users interact with app?
  • Which content attracts users the most?
This will define the success rate of app. With the help of these questions, you will get aware of success and failures of content. You can eliminate the less likely parts, improve the most liked parts and insert the demandable content.
Now you are ready to decide an after-launch-life of your app. Keep it improving and keep releasing fresh content.


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